i NASA ECCO - Gallery (Detail)


Surface flows colored by sea surface temperature
Composite movie clip showing, in order: surface flows, wind currents, ocean surface currents, and ocean overturning circulation. Credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio (MP4, 36.0 MB).
Surface flows colored by sea surface temperature
Composite movie clip showing, in order: surface flows, wind currents, ocean surface currents, and ocean overturning circulation. Credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio (MP4, 36.0 MB).

Aquarius Studies Ocean and Wind Flows

[10-May-2011] This composite movie clip was created using the ECCO2 High Resolution Ocean and Sea Ice Model (01-Feb-2005 through 30-Dec-2005). It contains 10 seconds of surface flows colored by sea surface temperature, followed by 6 seconds of wind currents, 12 seconds of ocean surface currents, and 40 seconds of large-scale ocean overturning circulation.
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