i NASA ECCO - All Products

All Products

ECCO products listed below are freely available through several types of servers (a direct link is provided below via each product's 'Release Name' in the product table). We kindly ask users to refer to the citable identifier associated with the product they choose to use (provided below via the 'Release identifier' links). The products are listed below in an order that reflects their time of publication (see 'Release identifier'). The following products are currently being extended: ECCO-v4 (JPL/AER/MIT), SOSE (UCSD), ECCO2 (JPL), ECCO-KFS (JPL), and GECCO2 (UH).

ECCO products are primarily released in the form of monthly field time series. These fields are distributed on their native model grid to allow for accurate transport and budget computations. However fields interpolated to a simple longitude latitude grid may also be provided, which can most easily be plugged into third party software. Some of the products further provide the associated obsevational inputs, which allow users to e.g. assess model-data misfits. Examples of these supplementary data sets are indicated by a '>' under the associated 'Release identifier'.

ECCO Drive requires a NASA Earthdata Account for access. Register or login here. For comments or questions please contact us.

Product Release Identifier Release Name Time Period Model Grid Depth Levels Estimation Method Software Generation Comments
ECCO-V4r4 I.D. Release 4 1992-2017 LLC90 50 adjoint 4 Documentation
ECCO-V4r3 I.D. Release 3 1992-2015 LLC90 50 adjoint 4 Documentation
> Interpolated climatology 1992-2015 1/2 deg. 50 - - Report
ECCO-V4r2 I.D. Release 2 1992-2011 LLC90 50 adjoint 4 Read the Docs
> interpolated fields 1992-2011 1/2 deg. 50 - -
> T-S tendency terms 1992-2011 LLC90 50 - -
> in-situ profile data sets 1992-2015 pointwise 19 to 55 - -
ECCO-V4r1 I.D. Release 1 1992-2011 LLC90 50 adjoint 4 NL free surface; real FWF
GECCO3 I.D. Version 3 1948-2018 0.4 to 1 deg. 40 adjoint -
GECCO2 I.D. Dec 15, 2017 1948-2016 0.3 to 1 deg. 50 adjoint -
SOSE I.D. Iteration 100 2005-2010 1/6 deg. 42 adjoint 3 Southern Ocean only
1 deg.
ECCO-GODAE I.D. Iteration 73 1992-2007 1 deg. 23 adjoint 3
1 deg.
1 deg.
GECCO I.D. Iteration 23 1950-2000 1 deg. 23 adjoint - no sea-ice
ECCO-GODAE I.D. Iteration 177 1992-2004 1 deg. 23 adjoint 2 no sea-ice
> Iteration 199 1992-2004 1 deg. 23 adjoint 2 no sea-ice
> Iteration 216 1992-2004 1 deg. 23 adjoint 2 no sea-ice
ECCO-SIO I.D. Iteration 69 1992-2002 1 deg. 23 adjoint 1 no sea-ice
ECCO2 I.D. Cube 92 1992-present CS510 50 Green functions - Near real time
ECCO-SIO I.D. Iteration 21 1992-2000 2 deg. 23 adjoint 0 no sea-ice
ECCO-SIO I.D. Iteration 103 1992-1997 2 deg. 23 adjoint 0 no sea-ice
ECCO-KFS I.D. Run 80h 1993-present 0.3 to 1 deg. 46 Kalman filter, RTS smoother - Near real time; no sea-ice
ECCO Drive requires a NASA Earthdata Account for access. Register or login here.